Wednesday, February 20, 2008


HA, MY FRIENDS I am finally sitting on my chair in front of my screen. Hoooo What a boring shift I just did which was washing the dishes..but that was a enjoyable moment when I saw the clean kitchen and the shining dishes. I just thought it's time to have a post on my blog so let's begin with one of the three lectures that I attended on some day. " The Helpless Robert " was the topic. It last about 1 hour fully with the speaker's lifetime that he presented to us. After that, that's it. There was no more information after that. I was so disappoint with that. Therefore, one advice that I can give to u is not all the lecture is totally relate to that topic. Please choose carefully next time.
About the presentation that I presented this afternoon is soso. First, I have spent too much time to find the paper which has my notes. What I remembered is I really hope I can say something during that time when I finding the stuff not just stop talking. That could lead me think about the gender difference about the doing one thing for man would be better for one moment. OH MY!!!! I want improve that skill.
My dear audiences, you know I totally understand that nobody want listen any presentation after the reading we did for the midterm in the whole morning. What a tire moment! Never mind, HAHA in the afternoon, I was tired too. When I just write until here. I could the pictures from the presentation by Tomas and Dong. That were amazing inventions by that person. At the same time, I could remember the expiations from you guys were clear than me I think. I prefer the PowerPoint which is helpful so helpful to improve the understanding by the audience.
oh, sure....The last thing is the time for you warm up. I could have today. ^-^ you know this trick is very helpful to me. Whatever before you ready to start, I suggest you stand in the middle or beside the blackboard in any position you want but stand in the time that teacher usually will give you like break time. In that moment, you could look at you classmate and make the feeling they may look at you. You know and breathe the air in the classroom no matter fresh or not. HAHAHA you are on your way. TRY!
This activity we did together has been past in the class but not in my mind. Attending the lecture ===== good activity, isn't it? ( HA no grammar!)..


Davidwang said...

well~,i would like to say the presentation u have done was really intereting, it doesnt matter what we did in the morning i mean for myslef i like this kind of topic which refers to nature or human-being. i do think this presentation is easy to understand cuz we have been realized some of animal's behaviours already.Moreover,i do like the style of u present.haha

Daryl said...

aiya!!! I really wanna say thank you. Actually, I want to increase my comments HAHAHA!

Helen said...

Daryl...Nice to me your new posts after a long slience...I'm sure that you will be a good husband who help your wife doing housework very well...About your lecture presentation, I like it because it's very clearly and easy to understand.You really learn a lot from lecture project, don't you?

Geraldine aKa The Point said...

well... I may say that your lecture was interesting particularly because you tried to make it interesting. A lot of humour ... that was not a bad idea at all. So thank you for this fresh presentation Daryl!

See you ;)