Sunday, February 17, 2008


Haha. My father’s parents have two sons include my dad and one daughter. My mother’s parents have two daughters. They are not in the same province in China as well as my uncle and aunt is living in New Jersey. I am the only child in my family. When I was in China, I have lived with them for more than 18 years. So I miss them. HOHO! I have not thought about that how many kids I want to have but I will respect my wife’s choice in the future. Moreover, I like children as well. In addition, for me 2 children are maximum. I prefer girls rather than boys.

The population in China this year is around 13.2 billion right now, and I checked the website which is in Chinese. China has 1322487481 people. China is the world’s most populous developing country. Obviously, the huge population brings several problems to us that influence the quality of life. Large is not beautiful. For example, not enough schools for children that leads the lack of education. The population is concentrate in the southeast part in China that leads the problem which is the rest parts of china is less development than southeast. People cannot afford the cost of an apartment because the price is increasing every year depends on how many ground we still have can use for the new construction. Recently the CNN reported a new which is not enough train for the people who want go back to their hometown for the Chinese traditional New Year celebration in Guangzhou train station. What an incredible situation! It took 12 hours before that the train achieve the terminus from Guangzhou to Changsha is 12 hours. However, it takes 27 hours and there are no food and air condition on the train just because there are too many people on that train and out of control.

Nowadays, people who lived in rural areas before tend to move to urban areas for many purposes such as looking for a job instead of transplant rice seedlings in farmland and provide batter education for their kids. This situation is increasing in China. That brings a lot of problems such as competition in many fields, criminal rate and less of supply about the product that comes from farmland.

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