Thursday, February 28, 2008

my favirite units

As I had seen LiLi's blog, I just throught what a lots of units we have already learnd. I realize that each unit has their different purposes. HAHA. Do you think so? I was very satisfied by the first unit which is the Super skyscrapers because I like that two videos and the big class. HAHA. Not only that unit, but also out two teachers always taught us together that brought a little bit surpise to me, and you??
I just don't want to go deeply, because everybody knows that after the learing of each unit, we got the different skills such as comparison, critical thinking, wrting summary, represent the lecture, paraphrase and a lot. They are very usefull when we get in the university. Moreover, the debate on animal issue was very interesting although I just listen as a guest with a little bit support to XiXi and Helen's side HAHA...Time past soon, really, It has been seven weeks since the first unit. HEHE. The relationship between us will keep forever, right?

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