Monday, March 17, 2008

research presentation

I like stay in front you guys. It is hard to say that kind of feeling. And I have not been through that experience before like such a long time presentation. I appreciated that I had your attention and when I looked the evaluation paper from your guys, the feeling was complex.

It was regretful that I missed Zhong's speaking in the early morning. And LiLi had told me after that she gave the perfect examples to us and that is my shortcoming during my presentation.

I can remember that Dong is brave man who chose to be the first one and I was stupid that I did not want to present in the afternoon. However, I found it does not matter.

I can see each of my classmate has their own styles in the presentation. I was really enjoyed by that because I like to become the good listener for my friends. HAHA. Just I dont know how to say. It seems that presentation makes the time pass quickly. I am not realize that we are almost finish.......really..

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